I have missed so many stories,rite?
I suddenly stop writing my blog since several months ago..
I'm kinda miss my blog,so today I decided to write again.
There are so many stories to tell to my dearest blog but I don't know where to start.
wanna start from the sad one or the happy one?
It's better to start from the happy one because this is my first since I don't blog for longgggg time...
SO,where should I start??
emmm... okay,I start from the things that I really love for today..
Now,I'm learning korea language. It's kinda hard because I have to memorize so many vocabularies...
uuugghhhh.... But I have to keep going if i wanna be 100%..
Is my korean better now? I think so #self-praised.. kekekekeke...
Then,about the group that I love the most!
yes!!!! they are so great..
maybe some of you know that they have just released their 5th album.
It's Mr.Simple... >.<
Then,today they got the first rank again in music show - today is Music Bank..
FYI,today is the 7th times they are on the top..
Hahahaha... okay then,I think the story about Suju will be boring if you're not interested with them.
but for the one who is the same with me,(give me five!!),Suju is so great ,rite??
I can't stop listening to their songs.. I don't even get bored though I have listened to their songs for thousand times.. kekekekeke... how bout you?? the same?? kekekekekeke...
So,I think this is I wanna share for today. It's kinda late already.. Time for bed before my mom gets angry..
oh yes, here is some of suju's photos,maybe u already had them in ur PC but I just wanna share..
여러분 안녕....
우리 슈버주니 어에어!! |